
Image Analysis, Random Fields and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: A Mathematical Introduction (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability) Review

Image Analysis, Random Fields and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods: A Mathematical Introduction (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability)
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This is absolute a bible book for any person who want to learn Gibbs sampler and simulated annealing seriously. The format of this book, though full of mathematical equations, is very self-evident and concise. Nothing is missing and nothing is redundent. It is an enjoyable journey to follow the logic and principle in this book, with all your attention in. There are full of in-depth discussion in all aspect of the Gibbs sampler, simulated annealing, from the visiting scheme to cooling schedule, and parallel algorithms. The references are excellent too. The author seems to have read all publications till 1995 about this topic and give an excellent detailed and in-depth survey in his book. At the end of your reading, you would have love the mathematical form the author used. Without these tools, many discussions in this book will be just impossible and groundless. I personally have read this book for several times.

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"This book is concerned with a probabilistic approach for image analysis, mostly from the Bayesian point of view, and the important Markov chain Monte Carlo methods commonly used....This book will be useful, especially to researchers with a strong background in probability and an interest in image analysis. The author has presented the theory with rigor'he doesn't neglect applications, providing numerous examples of applications to illustrate the theory." -- MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS

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Student Solutions Manual for College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization and Essentials of College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization Review


How to Paint Realistic Military Figures (Scale Modeling Handbook, No 14) Review

How to Paint Realistic Military Figures (Scale Modeling Handbook, No 14)
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This book was exactly what I was looking for. I'm fairly fussy when it comes to my hobbies, and will only invest in something that I know is good.
It has lots of step-by-step photos and techniques explained in detail.
The authors are very experienced and do excellent jobs of conveying their many years of experience.
I highly recommend this book if you're interested in painting figures. Novice to experienced painters will not be disappointed, it's definitely a keeper that will be used many times as reference in the future.

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Many military dioramas require realistic personnel for the sake of authenticity, but painting such small human figures presents special challenges, and in particular, when it comes to face painting. This guide aims to answer modellers' questions about painting scale figures with acrylics - more forgiving and easier to handle than oil-based mediums - and generally improving their painting skills. Figures from specific periods are featured, including the Middle Ages, the Napoleonic era, World War II, as well as soldiers from Vietnam and the Gulf War conflicts. Fully detailed chapters are devoted to the Napoleonic uniform, the camouflage uniform and metal finishes such as armour, helmets, chain-mail and weaponry. There is also advice on choosing the proper tools, achieving light and shadow effects, displaying figures and creating simple dioramas.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Principles of Three-Dimensional Computer Animation: Modeling, Rendering, and Animating With 3d Computer Graphics (Norton Books for Architects & Designers) Review

Principles of Three-Dimensional Computer Animation: Modeling, Rendering, and Animating With 3d Computer Graphics (Norton Books for Architects and Designers)
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I'm entirely new to 3D modeling and animation. I found this book to be exceptionally well written. The author provides a clear and concise explanation of the principles of 3D computer graphics, with easy-to-understand examples throughout. As stated in other reviews, it is not software specific. If you are looking for an introductory but thorough 3D primer, I recommend this book without reservation. It should provide a solid foundation for those who have little or no prior computer graphics experience.

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Integrated into this text are techniques that, since it was first published have become an accepted part of computer animation technology. New sections cover advanced modelling, rendering and animating techniques, including blended surfaces, environment rendering, animation constraints, volumetric lights and an expanded description of particle systems. A chapter on animation production has been added.

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Continuous System Simulation Review

Continuous System Simulation
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This book provides an excellent description of many different integration schemes and describes their regions of stability. Understanding numerical stability is a necessity for modeling and simulation engineers. It is possible to simulate an unstable system with simulation results that appear stable. Cellier explains how and why this can happen as well as explaining other pitfalls of simulating continuous systems.

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Highly computer-oriented text, introducing numerical methods and algorithms along with the applications and conceptual tools. Includes homework problems, suggestions for research projects, and open-ended questions at the end of each chapter. Written by our successful author who also wrote Continuous System Modeling, a best-selling Springer book first published in the 1991 (sold about 1500 copies).

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Bad And Beautiful: Inside the Dazzling and Deadly World of Supermodels Review

Bad And Beautiful: Inside the Dazzling and Deadly World of Supermodels
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I read this book straight through last weekend. I could barely put it down. This book really hits home for anyone involved in the fashion industry. I have been involved in fashion for more than 20 years. It's about time someone was brave enough to expose some of the bad dealings of the industry. Hopefully, Mr. Halperin's startling revelations will help make more people aware that it's important to beware of who you get involved with in this business. There are many bad apples out there. I encourage all parents and young models to pick up this book before getting involved in the industry. All your questions of what it's like to be a model and how to choose the right agent will be answered. And of course, you'll be intrigued by some of the horrific experiences some of the top models you see on TV have encountered. The author posed undercover as a model to get all the dirt. And he certainly does not hold back in revealing the truth about our glamorous industry.

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More Autodesk Maya Hyper-Realistic Creature Creation (Autodesk Official Training Guide) Review

More Autodesk Maya Hyper-Realistic Creature Creation (Autodesk Official Training Guide)
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This book is fairly expensive for it's size (154 pages), although it is packed with very useful rigging techniques. As other reviewers have mentioned, this is not a modeling book -- it's more about rigging and muscle deformations. This book is designed to work with Autodesk Maya 2009. It heavily relies on their plug-ins included on the DVD, which do NOT work in any other version of Maya. You can download a free trial of Maya 2009 from the Internet, although it would be nice if it were included on the DVD itself. There are some cool bonus videos on the DVD for modeling a realistic hand, using both Maya and Mudbox. The book is written by very impressive individuals in the industry, who really know their stuff. This is definitely a book for intermediate to advanced users. For beginners, they suggest that you begin with the "Learning Autodesk Maya 2009/Foundation" or the "Learning Autodesk Maya 2009/Modeling & Animation Handbook" as a prerequesite to this book.

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More Autodesk Maya Hyper-Realistic Creature Creation is a continuation of the tools and techniques presented in Maya Hyper-Realistic Creature Creation, Second Edition. This book is your solution for creating convincing characters in Autodesk Maya. Learn core industry knowledge by gaining hands-on experience with innovative tools and powerful industry-recognized techniques as you learn to model like a professional; set up your skeleton in a fast and easy way; and create realistic facial controls. Get the inside scoop on high end production techniques from industry pros Erick Miller, Paul Thuriot, Jeff Unay and Rudy Grossman. Through project-based lessons, follow Jeff and Rudy's process for modeling the beast and its facial blend shapes, Paul's workflow for rigging the beast's body, and Erick's tips and techniques on complex facial rigging for maximum flexibility. This book carefully delineates the entire production process for the beast's creation, so that you can both understand the individual techniques and how they relate to each other in a pipeline. By examining the entire process, you will learn strategies for creating characters with an emphasis on anatomy and realism. Lessons are designed to cover effective workflows for devising models that can be easily manipulated and animated. The methods discussed in this book can be applied to any setup needs that you may have because you will learn the rigging process from the concept stage through to pipeline integration.
Create a facial topology that will deform realistically

Use custom tools to control the morph timing of a blend shape

Learn valuable modeling workflows for creating facial blend shapes

Accommodate changes within a character pipeline

Use the Full Body IK solver to create a control rig

Create internal muscle structures for body deformations

Use tools and Python plug-ins for higher level deformations

Build and rig a face shape library with directional sliders and compensation shapes

Learn about controls for the eyes, ears, mouth and teeth

Attach models or rigs of different resolutions

Learn and use several custom written Hyper-Real facial rigging MEL tools

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Introduction to Discrete Event Systems Review

Introduction to Discrete Event Systems
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This book is a great textbook for students who are interested in the control engineering field. Due to the difficulty, it is more focused for graduate students. This book has won the 1999 harold chestnut prize awarded by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). The topics are language and automata theory, supervisory control, Petri net theory, (max,+) algebra, Markov chains and queueing theory, discrete-event simulation, perturbation analysis, and concurrent estimation techniques. This book is used in many universities in the US but also in countries like Korea as well.

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Introduction to Discrete Event Systems is a comprehensive introduction to the field of discrete event systems, offering a breadth of coverage that makes the material accessible to readers of varied backgrounds. The book emphasizes a unified modeling framework that transcends specific application areas, linking the following topics in a coherent manner: language and automata theory, supervisory control, Petri net theory, Markov chains and queuing theory, discrete-event simulation, and concurrent estimation techniques. This edition includes recent research results pertaining to the diagnosis of discrete event systems, decentralized supervisory control, and interval-based timed automata and hybrid automata models.

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Body Language: Advanced 3D Character Rigging Review

Body Language: Advanced 3D Character Rigging
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The book is an excellent resource. I've done my fair share of rigging, and Allen and Murdock have put together a body of information that not only teaches me new tricks, but polishes and streamlines what I already do. Body Language will be the first place I look when I need to dig around for rigging assistance.
Body Language has me excited to rig again, which is perhaps the greatest aspect of the book. There are a lot of little "aha" moments here, and I'm itching to put them to use. It's an essential component of my reference library.
I have only one complaint with this book: It doesn't cover 3DS Max. It's understandable, what with Maya being dominant in the high end of the field, but some of the principles and techniques here are so good, it just seems a shame to not have Max involved. Ironically, then, it's the excellence of the Maya coverage that leaves me wanting the same for Max. Perhaps there's a sequel in the works.
That minor quibble aside, I still rate this at the full five stars. The book stands on its own merits, and that I wish for more merely testifies to the value of the data.

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Whether you're a professional Character TD or just like to create 3D characters, this detailed guide reveals the techniques you need to create sophisticated 3D character rigs that range from basic to breathtaking. Packed with step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations, Body Language walks you through rigging techniques for all the body parts to help you create realistic and believable movements in every character you design. You'll learn advanced rigging concepts that involve MEL scripting and advanced deformation techniques and even how to set up a character pipeline.

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Clinical Prediction Models: A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating (Statistics for Biology and Health) Review

Clinical Prediction Models: A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating (Statistics for Biology and Health)
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Great book! Simple and understandable language. Nice graphs to explain the theory. All the statements are referenced and or supported with examples. Overall the book has a lot of depth as well; so it will be useful for your introduction to prediction models, but also later on. I was getting lost in all the publications and statistical study books, until I found this book.

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This book aims to provide insight and practical illustrations on how modern statistical concepts and regression methods can be applied in medical prediction problems, including diagnostic and prognostic outcomes. Many advances have been made in statistical approaches towards outcome prediction, but these innovations are insufficiently applied in medical research. Old-fashioned, data hungry methods are often used in data sets of limited size, validation of predictions is not done or only in a simplistic way, and updating of already available models is not considered. A sensible strategy is needed for model development, validation, and updating, such that prediction models can better support medical practice.Clinical Prediction Models presents a practical checklist with seven steps that need to be considered for development of a valid prediction model. These include preliminary considerations such as dealing with missing values; coding of predictors; selection of main effects and interactions for a multivariable model; estimation of model parameters with shrinkage methods and incorporation of external data; evaluation of performance and clinical usefulness; internal validation; and presentation format. The steps are illustrated with many small case studies and R computer code, with data sets made available in the public domain [http://www.clinicalpredictionmodels.org/]. The book further focuses on generalizability of prediction models, including patterns of invalidity that may be encountered in new settings, approaches to modifying and extending a model, and comparisons of centers after case-mix adjustment by a prediction model.The text is primarily intended for epidemiologists and applied biostatisticians. It can be used as a textbook for a graduate course on predictive modeling in diagnosis and prognosis. It is beneficial if readers are familiar with common statistical models in medicine: linear regression, logistic regression, and Cox regression. The book is practical in nature. But it also provides a philosophical perspective on data analysis in medicine that goes beyond predictive modeling. In this era of evidence-based medicine, randomized clinical trials are the basis for assessment of treatment efficacy. Prediction models are key to individualizing diagnostic and treatment decision-making.

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Statistics, Data Analysis and Decision Modeling and Student CD-ROM (2nd Edition) Review

Statistics, Data Analysis and Decision Modeling and Student CD-ROM (2nd Edition)
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The product was in excellent condition and arrived rapidly. The book was the paperback version, which is what the item listing by Amazon stated, although I had thought that the seller had listed it as a hardcover. No worries, though. The book (softcover) was in excellent condition and the service was fine. A smooth experience at a nice price.

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For the one semester (or briefer) course in business statistics and quantitative analysis in the MBA or Executive MBA program.This text covers the basic concepts of business statistics, data analysis and management science integrated in a contemporary spreadsheet environment. The authors emphasize practical applications and business decision-making.

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Public Transit Planning and Operation: Theory, Modeling and Practice Review

Public Transit Planning and Operation: Theory, Modeling and Practice
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This book leads you to the complex word of public transportation. It explains all its subproblems and ways to solve them.

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Public transport operators are faced with ever-greater pressures. The need to monitor the performance of individual services, as well as the system as a whole, has increased. Operators are constantly looking for methods which can improve both the service to the passenger and the cost-effectiveness of their operation. This new book offers the reader new solutions to deliver both better services and greater efficiency, solutions that have been developed and tested by the author in real-life situations for mass transit operators all over the world. Based on a wealth of experience built up over 30 years working for and with public transport operators, Public Transit Planning and Operation offers a crucial insight into delivering a better service more effectively. * Cost-effective planning for short range mass transit systems * Practical approaches to reduce costs and increase efficiency* Based on more than 30 years consultancy experience in the industry

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BIG BIM little bim - The practical approach to Building Information Modeling - Integrated practice done the right way Review

BIG BIM little bim - The practical approach to Building Information Modeling - Integrated practice done the right way
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To most people, BIM just means "Building Information Modeling." For Finith E. Jernigan, AIA, BIM is "Beyond Information Modeling."
"bim (lower case) is used to represent applications-focused topics; i.e. ArchiCad, Bentley, and Revit are bim tools." Finith E. Jernigan, AIA wrote, "BIM (upper case) is the management of information and the complex relationships between the social and technical resources that represent the complexity, collaboration, and interrelations of today's organizations and environment. The focus is on managing projects to get the right information to the right place at the right time."
"BIG BIM little bim" is one of the best books on the subject of integrated practice. It covers framework for success (four phases to integration: initiate, design, construct and manage phases, seven steps guide your way), the process day to day (certainty is your mantra, validation, design and construction prototypes, procurement, construction, operation & maintenance, firm, people, time, benefits and cautions), and proof that integration works including a number of case studies like Fire Headquarters and Station 16, Capital Improvement Program, Children's Theater of Delmarva, and Armory Community Center.
Finith E. Jernigan, AIA discussed many useful and creative ideas and tools, like design and implementation can work in parallel, forewarned is forearmed, Facility Development and Operation (FDO), Facility Specialty Alliance (FSA), Onuma Planning System (OPS), Web Feature Service (WFS), Theory of Constraint (TOC), Toyota Production System (TPS), 4SiteSystems, etc. There are also some useful appendixes at the end of the book, including "Recommended links" and "Toolkit."
"BIG BIM little bim" has 295 pages and many diagrams and screen-shots. It is a must-have for students, architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers, owners, facility managers, and contractors.
Gang Chen, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Author of "LEED GA Exam Guide," "Architectural Practice Simplified," "Planting Design Illustrated," and other books on various LEED exams, architecture, and landscape architecture

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This book provides the tools architects need to synthesize and reuse complex data, solve problems early in the design-build process, save costs, and increase profits and productivity. Using virtual information models and the latest technology, Jernigan is able to streamline decision making, improve project visualization, and achieve superior results during design and construction phases.The book shows you how to effectively use BIM to overcome design challenges and apply an integrated practice approach for successful architectural projects.

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An Introduction to the Mechanics of Fluids (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology) Review

An Introduction to the Mechanics of Fluids (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology)
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This book is unique. It is the most comprehensive treatment of the basic theory of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids that I know of.
It contains a lot of interesting material that is not treated in elementary texts and is dispersed in the research literature, and the authors present it in a rigorous but engaging manner. What I value most of the book are the insightful comments and discussions throughout; it gives one a proper perspective and a deepened understanding of the subject. The book is not suitable for a first course in fluid mechanics, but it should be an excellent text for beginning graduate students -- both engineering students who want to learn the mathematics and mathematics students who want to understand the physics.

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A compact, moderately general book which encompasses many fluid models of current interest'The book is written very clearly and contains a large number of exercises and their solutions. The level of mathematics is that commonly taught to undergraduates in mathematics departments.. -Mathematical ReviewsThe book should be useful for graduates and researchers not only in applied mathematics and mechanical engineering but also in advanced materials science and technology'Each public scientific library as well as hydrodynamics hand libraries should own this timeless book'Everyone who decides to buy this book can be sure to have bought a classic of science and the heritage of an outstanding scientist. -SilikátyAll applied mathematicians, mechanical engineers, aerospace engineers, and engineering mechanics graduates and researchers will find the book an essential reading resource for fluids.-Simulation News Europe

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Introducing Mudbox Review

Introducing Mudbox
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This is a great book designed to get you working in Mudbox fast. Not only does it teach you the most important aspects of the program but also has extensive information on working with scan data and integration into 3D pipelines using maya and other software. Ara is a great teacher and gets the concepts across clearly. The projects are engaging and fun. Ara has examples of both organic sculpting (female figure) and hard surface modeling (robot character). If you need to get up and running fast this is the place to start!

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One of the first books on Autodesk's new Mudbox 3D modeling and sculpting tool!
Autodesk's Mudbox was used to create photorealistic creatures for The Dark Knight, The Mist, and others films. Now you can join the crowd interested in learning this exciting new digital modeling and sculpting tool with this complete guide. Get up to speed on all of Mudbox's features and functions, learn how sculpt and paint, and master the art of using effective workflows to make it all go easier.
Introduces Autodesk's Mudbox, an exciting 3D modeling and sculpting tool that enables you to create photorealistic creatures for film or games; it is interoperable with Autodesk's 3ds Max and Maya products
Explains what digital sculpting is—and what it isn't—and how to fit it into the pipeline when creating assets for film, television, games, and advertising
Shows you how sculpt and paint a model in Mudbox; breaks down the complexities and gets you started right away with interesting projects
Helps you set up workflows to cut the time you spend on the technology, freeing you to focus on the creative aspects
Includes case studies and examples from industry leaders as well as a DVD with movies, sample project files, MELscripts, and more

Develop skills as a digital content creator or visual effects or CG artist with a good understanding of Mudbox and this valuable guide.

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Introducing ZBrush Review

Introducing ZBrush
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As a fellow author, I have bookshelf upon bookshelf of 3D books. Most of these don't get much use. "Introducing ZBrush," however, will get a good workout. Although I've always been impressed by the work produced by ZBrush, I've never been a fan of the interface or workflow and thus have used it relatively little to date. Eric Keller's book makes it all less intimidating. His book covers all the basics, plus includes ample step-by-step guides. The illustrations and example models are a step above many 3D books. I'm also happy to see instructions for importing from and exporting to Maya (ZBrush displacement maps look fantastic in Maya). The DVD includes models, materials, textures, movies, tools, and macros, plus a trial of ZBrush 3. Admittedly, there is a wealth of ZBrush information on the web. However, if you prefer to have a book at your fingertips and would rather not slog through forums for quick answers, this book is a good investment. (If I had a wish, it would be that more of the illustrations were in color, and not black-and-white.)

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If you want to take advantage of one of the hottest CG tools available, Introducing ZBrush is the perfect place to start.
Introducing ZBrush helps you jump into this exciting drawing and sculpting software without fear. Learn ZBrush 3.1 basics inside and out and get comfortable sculpting in a digital environment with this relaxed, friendly, and thorough guide. Master these practical techniques and soon you'll be creating realistic, cartoon, and organic models with flair.
Introduces you to ZBrush 3.1, the sculpting software that lets you create digital art with a fine-art feel, which you can transfer into Maya or other 3D applicationsCovers painting, meshes, organic sculpting, hard surface sculpting, textures, lighting, rendering, working with other 3D applications, and scriptingWalks you through a series of fun and engaging tutorials where you can start creating your own work, including human, cartoon, and organic models

Learn to create lush, beautiful digital art with ZBrush and this detailed guide.

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Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies (Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing) Review

Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies (Chapman and Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing)
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I have some basic familiarity with RDF, and Semantic Technologies. This book from chapter 1 on was a horrible read. Terribly written with long arduous run on sentences which were frustrating to comprehend. The examples were atrocious. The book was written by academics who must like hearing themselves speak. The writing was so bad it reminded me of reading a legal contract. I bought the book since it was rather new, and my other OWL, RDF, and Semantic Web books are a bit dated now. I was looking for some help with modeling best practices. I generally don't return books, but this one is already in the box again. I'd use it as a door stop but the almost $80 price tag prevents me from using it as such.

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With more substantial funding from research organizations and industry, numerous large-scale applications, and recently developed technologies, the Semantic Web is quickly emerging as a well-recognized and important area of computer science. While Semantic Web technologies are still rapidly evolving, Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies focuses on the established foundations in this area that have become relatively stable over time. It thoroughly covers basic introductions and intuitions, technical details, and formal foundations.The book concentrates on Semantic Web technologies standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium: RDF and SPARQL enable data exchange and querying, RDFS and OWL provide expressive ontology modeling, and RIF supports rule-based modeling. The text also describes methods for specifying, querying, and reasoning with ontological information. In addition, it explores topics that are clearly beyond foundations, such as tools, applications, and engineering aspects.Written by highly respected researchers with a deep understanding of the material, this text centers on the formal specifications of the subject and supplies many pointers that are useful for employing Semantic Web technologies in practice.The book has an accompanying website with supplemental information.

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