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(More customer reviews)This book was recommended highly to me by a former university professor (and now consultant). It exceeds my expectations. The figures and acompanying explanations are very clear, as is the language throughout. Visualizing Data discusses several tools with which I was not familiar, and clarifies tools that I thought I understood (including box plots). I have taken several university statistics classes, but I believe this book would help anyone involved in displaying or interpreting data. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but when your business depends on it, a well-defined plot or graph can be worth much more. Visualizing Data enables you to produce well-defined plots and graphs with confidence.
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Visualizing Data is about visualizationtools that provide deep insight into thestructure of data. There are graphicaltools such as coplots, multiway dot plots,and the equal count algorithm. There arefitting tools such as loess and bisquarethat fit equations, nonparametric curves,and nonparametric surfaces to data.But the book is much more than just acompendium of useful tools. It conveys astrategy for data analysis that stressesthe use of visualization to thoroughlystudy the structure of data and to checkthe validity of statistical models fittedto data. The result of the tools and thestrategy is a vast increase in what you canlearn from your data. The book demonstratesthis by reanalyzing many data sets from thescientific literature, revealing missedeffects and inappropriate models fitted to data.
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