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(More customer reviews)Across different countries and economies, the World Bank has put out this study of the efficacies of many reforms undertaken. For pensions, both provided by the state and by private companies. For the labour market, in such aspects like the setting and adjusting of a minimum wage and the providing of unemployment benefits. Very contentious public issues in many countries. Where the providing of a social safety net might be widely approved. But where there might also be concern about the arising of a permanent underclass, dependent on and devoted to handouts.
The health sector also takes up a significant amount of the book's discussion. Here, issues of gender arise. Where women might not have adequate access to treatments in some countries, due to discrimination.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Analyzing the Distributional Impact of Reforms: A Practitioners' Guide to Pension, Health, Labor Markets, Public Sector Downsizing, Taxation, Decentralization, and Macroecomonic Modeling
The analysis of the distributional impact of policy reforms on the well-being or welfare of different stakeholder groups, particularly on th e poor and vulnerable, has an important role in the elaboration and implementation of poverty reduction strategies in developing countries. In recent years this type of work has been labeled as Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) and is increasingly implemented to promote evidence-based policy choices and foster debate on policy reform options. While information is available on the general approach, techniques, and tools for distributional analysis, each sector displays a series of specific characteristics. These have implications for the analysis of distributional impacts, including the types of impacts and transmission channels that warrant particular attention, the tools and techniques most appropriate, the data source typically utilized, and the range of political economy factors most likely to affect the reform process. This volume provides an overview of the specific issues arising in the analysis of the distributional impacts of policy and institutional reforms in selected sectors. Each chapter offers guidance on the selection of tools and techniques most adapted to the reforms under scrutiny, and offers examples of applications of these approaches. This is a companion to the first volume, which offers guidance on trade, monetary and exchange rate policy, utility provision, agricultural markets, land policy, and education. Also includes a CD-ROM containing chapters from companion volume 1, the PSIA User's Guide, Good Practice Note, E-learning course, and links to resources.
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