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(More customer reviews)This book is a master piece and state of the art for all those people interested in corrosion of steel embedded in concrete or any other porous medium. I would strongly recommend all those people to buy this book who are related to the corrosion of reinforced concrete structures under different environmental conditions
Click Here to see more reviews about: Corrosion of Steel Under Mass and Energy Transport in Porous Media: Modeling of Steel Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Coupled with Mass and Energy ... Media and its Experimental Verification
This book proposes a new concept in corrosionmodeling approach which is based on the existingscientific corrosion laws and is also verified byexperimentation. An enhanced simulation tool hasbeen developed for the coupled effects of mass andenergy transport through porous media of reinforcedconcrete using cutting edge corrosion modelingtechniques. A comprehensive enhancement of finiteelement model for predicting the rate of steelcorrosion in concrete structures under the effect ofvarious environmental actions is developed. Deepinvestigations were conducted for the effects ofvarious environmental actions namely, chloride,temperature, oxygen, carbonation and moisture oncorrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete throughextensive experimentation and the environmentvariables that have been overlooked in the pastresearch works were further explored and understoodproperly.
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