
Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction Review

Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction
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If there are 50 experts in the field of water/rock kinetics, half of them had input or direct influence on this book. Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction, edited by Brantley, Kubicki, and White is a compilation written by many of the experts in the field. For someone doing research in geochemical kinetics, this is a must have reference. The appendix alone is a valuable resource of mineral dissolution rate laws. Each chapter goes into meticulous detail of the different aspects of water/rock interactions and dissolution kinetics. Much of this field is empirical in nature, but Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction has compiled fitted mathematics that allow one to predict the behavior of systems without setting up experiments. The driving forces that control dissolution rates and the competition between interface and transport control are deeply discussed. The field is still too young for any unified formula or precise behavioral predictions, but this work makes a huge first step in that direction.
Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction isn't without blemishes however. At times the text wanders and is tedious. The information is very precise, but not always concise. Chapters are heavy on math and at the sacrifice of explaining general concepts. There is an unfortunate, not so rare, tendency to explain simple processes in overly complex language, limiting accessibility to those already somewhat versed in the field. I also caution that the compiled data in the appendices may not have always been handled in a way that would pass statistical muster. There is no alarm to be raised here, but a researcher using the data in the appendices should refer to the (clearly cited) originating texts to confirm how the data were interpreted/handled. What this field truly needs is a good text book. Unfortunately, this tome is not it. Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction is a great resource and reference for the active researcher, but not a text book for introducing the uninitiated.
I look forward to many future editions of this book.

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Geochemical kinetics as a topic is now of importance to a wide range of geochemists in academia, industry, and government, and all geochemists need a rudimentary knowledge of the field. This book summarizes the fundamentals of geochemical kinetics with examples drawn especially from mineral dissolution and precipitation. It also encompasses discussion of high temperature processes and global geochemical cycle modeling. Analysis of textures of rocks, sediments, and mineral surfaces are incorporated throughout and provide a sub-theme of the book.

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