Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I am no climate expert. This book changed my life in more ways than one. 1. I no longer drive a car. I sold it, craigslist for $500 dollars US. 2. I divorced my Husband. 3. I decided to live a life of limited means. No electricity, No manufactured products from overseas. I make my own toothpaste, how about that. This book, although not written to be romantic made me fall in love with this planet all over again. Just like we did in our first biology class.
I could write more but I feel this book captures the essence of the climate change problems. It's also a bargain buy!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Farm Adaptation to Climate Change: Approaches to Modeling Farm Decision Environment under Uncertainty
Global climate change poses new risks to the worldeconomy. The unique dependence of the farm economyto the agroclimate makes it especially vulnerable toshifts in global weather patterns caused by globalwarming. Climate models have predicted increase inglobal mean temperatures along with shifts invariability and severity of weather events.Agriculture?s ability to combat climate changerelies on farm adaptation to the new riskenvironment created by climate change. Traditionaleconomic analyses on the topic have not paidadequate attention to critical elements such asproducer adaptation and adequately representing environmental and market risk. In this book, Dr. Kanakasabai integrates advanced crop simulation with economic decision modeling under uncertainty to explore farm adaptation under global climate change. He demonstrates through use of three increasinglyrealistic scenarios, the magnitude of climate shifts, potential for farm adaptation and the resulting impacts on farm revenues. The decision analysis employs advanced mathematical programming approaches which should be especially useful forrisk analysts, agricultural experts and policymakers.
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