Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I officially fell in love with Blender 6 months ago after years of picking it up, staring at the screen for a few days, and putting it back down. Blender takes a certain amount of dedication, I wasn't willing to devote until recently. I consider myself still in the noob stage, but I have spent a fair amount of time doing online tutorials and familiarizing myself with the program.
This book attempts the daunting task of reigning in as much information about Blender for the beginner as possible. This is an exceptional presentation of reference material collected in one book. The title is a bit misleading, but if you are already familiar with "Dummies" books, it's no surprise. Jason runs pretty fast right out of the starting gate, and doesn't waste any time getting right into it. The order in which the book takes, is a logical one, and is similar to other methods of learning Blender. You start out learning the interface, then modeling, materials and textures, lighting, animating, etc.
What I liked about this book is that it explains certain functions and concepts, that I had never really fully understood through my adventures online trying to cherry pick bits of info here and there. There were a few Eureka! moments as I read through.
One of my gripes though is that some of the images in the book of the interface are too small and dark to see clearly, so it definitely helps to have Blender open.
If you are seriously interested in learning Blender, do not hesitate to get this. I have a couple of other Blender books like "Introducing Character Animation" and "Bounce Tumble and Splash". These are great in their own right, but they are a little more advanced and specific than I had expected. Blender for Dummies is kind of a bridge to these books.
I recommend to anyone starting out in Blender to use this book in conjunction with various online tutorials. It gives you the chance to just work with the program, and will help you to visualize the concepts explained in the book. Jason does not present the info through a bunch of tutorials, and I like that. There are tutorials coming out of the digital woodwork online, and it's great to see a book just explain why something happens the way it does. Since I have worked with Blender some, I was comfortable sitting back on the couch and reading through it. I didn't necessarily feel that I had to be tethered to the computer through a tutorial.
I will have to say, that Blender is no joke. It takes time to wrap your head around it. This book is for those who are serious about learning Blender. You may have to go over a few things many times before before your synapse screams out "I got it!". Blender for Dummies will meet you half way.
Blender to me is why I like using a computer. It really has to be one of the greatest contributions to the digital world I've ever seen, and it's free. I am completely hooked. Blender For Dummies takes a comprehensive approach to a very in depth and challenging piece of software and succeeds.
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