
Exploring 3D Modeling with 3ds Max 7 (Design Exploration) Review

Exploring 3D Modeling with 3ds Max 7 (Design Exploration)
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I highly recommend this book to the beginning 3ds max student. It was very helpful to me, as it explained more of the basics and gave more detail behind the steps. Also, the tutorials frequently used diffent tools to accomplish the same task. This showed how to use the graphical interface, quad-menus, toolbars, etc.
I found it the best of several books I bought to get my feet wet with 3ds max. It really helped with some of the basic lighting and material concepts. While, this book doesn't even begin to touch all the features of 3ds max, it was a great primer and I'm glad I read it.

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An exceptionally practical and project-driven book, Exploring 3D Modeling with 3ds max 7 is written specifically for designers interested in exploring the concepts and technology of modeling.The book offers a thorough introduction to 3D design, including an overview of the interface and components of Discreet's widely used 3ds max software, and the tools and commands that will quickly lead users to proficiency using the latest release.Flexible, step-by-step tutorials are geared to get readers up to speed by providing useful and entertaining applications to real-world 3D modeling scenarios.Coverage includes the important concepts of polygonal, spline, and patch modeling, as well as the materials and textures that are essential to generating photo-realistic projects.Basic and intermediate lighting techniques and rendering methods for final output of projects are also explored in this one-of-a-kind introduction to the world of 3D modeling and animation.

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Bayesian Disease Mapping: Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology (Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics) Review

Bayesian Disease Mapping: Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology (Chapman and Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics)
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This book provides interesting elements about quantitative methods in epidemiology for master students or researchers. it is quite easy to read when you have some basic background in statistics. Nethetheless, the quality of the fonts is not the best, and there are some surprising typing errors even in early pages as the one about "list of tables". Plenty of relevant references on papers and useful softwares.

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Focusing on data commonly found in public health databases and clinical settings, Bayesian Disease Mapping: Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology provides an overview of the main areas of Bayesian hierarchical modeling and its application to the geographical analysis of disease. The book explores a range of topics in Bayesian inference and modeling, including Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, Gibbs sampling, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, goodness-of-fit measures, and residual diagnostics. It also focuses on special topics, such as cluster detection; space-time modeling; and multivariate, survival, and longitudinal analyses. The author explains how to apply these methods to disease mapping using numerous real-world data sets pertaining to cancer, asthma, epilepsy, foot and mouth disease, influenza, and other diseases. In the appendices, he shows how R and WinBUGS can be useful tools in data manipulation and simulation. Applying Bayesian methods to the modeling of georeferenced health data, Bayesian Disease Mapping proves that the application of these approaches to biostatistical problems can yield important insights into data.

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Queueing Networks and Markov Chains: Modeling and Performance Evaluation with Computer Science Applications Review

Queueing Networks and Markov Chains: Modeling and Performance Evaluation with Computer Science Applications
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The authors give a nice overview of computer performance evaluation using queueing theory and continuous and discrete-time Markov chains. After a short review of the relevant probability and statistics, the authors discuss Markov chains in the second chapter, pointing out that Markov processes can be used to model queueing systems even when these systems have behavior governed by non-exponential distributions. They characterize these as Markovizing methods. Their treatment of both discrete and continuous time Markov models is short but adequate, covering all the necessary concepts such as ergodicity and irreducibility. They then give a thorough discussion of the modeling process as actually done in practice. Their discussion of model sizing sets up their methodologies for dealing with large models later in the book. Performance measures for system requirements are discussed in terms of Markov reward models. Their treatment here is very detailed and they also give a large collection of helpful references on the subject.Petri nets are also discussed in the context of model generation. The authors state, correctly I think, that more time should be spent of developing models rather than the underlying mathematics. In their treatment of networks with non-exponential service time and interarrival time distributions, the authors employ the diffusion approximation via the solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. The don't discuss this in detail but give references for those who can read German. This would have been a place for a detailed analysis and derivation, given the surprising introduction of the Fokker-Planck equation in queueing theory. They also use, interestingly, maximum entropy methods to get approximate solutions of open and closed queueing networks. A very short chapter on optimization is given in the next chapter, which could stand to be more lengthy given the importance of this in implementing networks commercially. The next chapter covers some of the performance tools that are available for studying networks. The Performance Evaluation and Prediction System (PEPSY), stochastic Petri net package (SPNP), the CSPL language, the Model Description Language (MOSEL), the symbolic hierarchical automated reliability performance evaluator (SHARPE) are discussed with examples of each. Readers not having these tools will of course will not benefit too much from reading this chapter, except for maybe to get an idea of what is available. The OPNET and Ns-simulator packages,which are very nice modeling tools are not treated at all for some reason.
The last chapter covers applications, with case studies of queueing networks, Markov chains, stochastic Petri nets, and hierarchical models. Although of somewhat limited value in practice, the examples given do give the reader an idea of how the material in the book can be applied. And here again, the authors stress the use of modeling packages such as SHARPE and PEPSY, to verify the calculations in the case studies. They consider a closed non-product form queueing model of a medium-sized LAN in some detail with Ethernet links and a FDDI ring, solving it using Marie's method. Also interesting is their model of the UNIX operating system, which is also represented by a closed non-product queueing network. They compare the computation time needed to solve the model using CTMC, shadow, and DES techniques. Although the discussion is rather hurried, their model of an ATM network is also interesting, in that they use Markov reward models, obtaining both the state and transient solutions.
The book is one that will be of great assistance to those doing network modeling, performance analysis, and other time-scheduling modeling activiites. It is somewhat expensive, but worth the price I think considering the care which the authors take in their exposition.

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Critically acclaimed text for computer performance analysis--now in its second editionThe Second Edition of this now-classic text provides a current and thorough treatment of queueing systems, queueing networks, continuous and discrete-time Markov chains, and simulation. Thoroughly updated with new content, as well as new problems and worked examples, the text offers readers both the theory and practical guidance needed to conduct performance and reliability evaluations of computer, communication, and manufacturing systems.Starting with basic probability theory, the text sets the foundation for the more complicated topics of queueing networks and Markov chains, using applications and examples to illustrate key points. Designed to engage the reader and build practical performance analysis skills, the text features a wealth of problems that mirror actual industry challenges.New features of the Second Edition include:* Chapter examining simulation methods and applications* Performance analysis applications for wireless, Internet, J2EE, and Kanban systems* Latest material on non-Markovian and fluid stochastic Petri nets, as well as solution techniques for Markov regenerative processes* Updated discussions of new and popular performance analysis tools, including ns-2 and OPNET* New and current real-world examples, including DiffServ routers in the Internet and cellular mobile networksWith the rapidly growing complexity of computer and communication systems, the need for this text, which expertly mixes theory and practice, is tremendous. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in computer science will find the extensive use of examples and problems to be vital in mastering both the basics and the fine points of the field, while industry professionals will find the text essential for developing systems that comply with industry standards and regulations.
Additionally, a solution manual and an FTP site with links to author-provided data for the book are available for deeper study.

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Simulation of Communication Systems: Modeling, Methodology and Techniques (Information Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage) Review

Simulation of Communication Systems: Modeling, Methodology and Techniques (Information Technology: Transmission, Processing and Storage)
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The second edition is a much-improved version compared to the first one. More details are added -- which makes it easy to follow. Anyone who is doing system simulation or performance analysis should have one around. I would have rated it a 5-star if the authors should have included some of the algorithms in a CD to save reader's time.

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Since the first edition of this book was published seven yearsago, the field of modeling and simulation of communication systems hasgrown and matured in many ways, and the use of simulation as aday-to-day tool is now even more common practice. With the currentinterest in digital mobile communications, a primary area ofapplication of modeling and simulation is now in wireless systems of adifferent flavor from the `traditional' ones. This second edition represents a substantial revision of the first,partly to accommodate the new applications that have arisen. Newchapters include material on modeling and simulation of nonlinearsystems, with a complementary section on related measurementtechniques, channel modeling and three new case studies; aconsolidated set of problems is provided at the end of the book.

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Applying Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: An Annotated e-Commerce Example Review

Applying Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML: An Annotated e-Commerce Example
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All of the different jobs found in software development are learned in two ways. Either through trial and error on the job or by working through examples. The first is the most effective, but by far the most expensive. While the second is less thorough, it is cheaper and reduces the cost when you make the inevitable move to the first. Since object modeling is always open to many differing interpretations, learning how to create and use them has a slow learning curve. The best approach to learning how to model objects is to find and plow through detailed, complete examples, which of course presupposes that such examples exist. Well, they do and some of the best are found in this book.
The approach is one that maximizes the teaching effectiveness. An Internet bookstore project is created from the beginning. It is large enough to be instructive yet not so large that it becomes unwieldy. The authors then take you through the sequence of steps:
1) Domain Modeling, 2) Use Case Modeling, 3) Requirements Review, 4) Robustness Analysis, 5) Preliminary Design Review, 6) Sequence Diagrams, and 7) Critical Design Review.
What is different about this book is that after the explanation of the development stage, there is a top ten list of common errors made in that stage followed by an example described in UML. The UML diagram includes some of the errors in the list and they are pointed out and explained. This really drives the point of the error home.
The book is a distillation of the experience of the authors as they built a comparable system. They documented the complete process via videotape and then distilled their actions, including errors, down to the material in the book. This has led to some very good examples of how to model development at all stages and will certainly help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls as you make the treacherous, exhaustive and gratifying move from idea to product.

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In this first-ever use case workbook, proven authors Doug Rosenberg and Kendall Scott help developers and analysts put their use case knowledge to the test, in real-world projects. A perfect companion to the authors' breakthrough Use Case Driven Modeling with UML -- or any other introductory guide to use cases -- this book offers systematic hands-on practice in implementing use cases, based on the authors' unparalleled experience in teaching working developers. This workbook dissects the design of an Internet bookstore, step-by-step, in exceptional detail -- showing common mistakes in building use cases, and how the models look once they've been corrected. The authors provide hands-on practice with every aspect of use case development with UML, including requirements review, domain modeling, use case modeling, preliminary design review, robustness analysis, sequence diagrams, critical design review, and more. The book also contains five valuable "Top 10" lists, including lists of errors in robustness analysis and sequence diagramming.For all systems analysts, software architects, software engineers, and developers interested in working with UML or strengthening their current UML skills.

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Dynamic Modeling: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences) Review

Dynamic Modeling: An Introduction (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
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Helpful introduction- takes time to work through examples and math but good start for a very useful application tool. Recommend those interested in subject include this in their library of references. Covers subject better than some of the others in this series.

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This short monograph lays out the theory behind, and techniques for, using dynamic modelling, taking the reader through a series of increasingly complex models. At each step, examples are used to explain the process, and also to clarify specific applications of difference equation models in the social sciences.

'It is a good example of classical mathematical model building and I may well use it as a text for the course on that subject in our MSc on Quantitative Methods in the Behavioural Sciences...in general it is to be recommended.' -- Bethlem and Maudsley Gazette, Vol 31 No 2, 1983

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Stormwater Conveyance Modeling and Design Review

Stormwater Conveyance Modeling and Design
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This was another excellent text from Haestad, one that is easy to read but gives thorough coverage of all subjects. A sound addition to any technical library.

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From the development of design discharges and hydrographs, to the analysis and design of channels and detention facilities, to the latest stormwater regulations and BMPs, Stormwater Conveyance Modeling and Design is a one-stop, comprehensive reference for all your stormwater needs.

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Maya 2008 Character Modeling & Animation: Principles and Practices Review

Maya 2008 Character Modeling and Animation: Principles and Practices
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This is a great introductory book. I started it knowing little about Maya and it was easy to follow and engaging, giving a clear, detailed explanation of how to use the software while still challenging. I recommend it to any beginners and intermediate students.

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Are you ready to take on the challenge of animating realistic and compelling characters using the latest version of Maya, the powerful 3D graphics and modeling software? "Maya 2008 Character Modeling and Animation: Principles and Practices" shows beginner to intermediate animation students and enthusiasts how to create professional-quality characters, explaining the full character animation process from pre-production to final full body and facial animation. Each chapter begins by exploring the "why" behind the techniques being presented, followed by step-by-step tutorials to apply your new knowledge. Following a series of hands-on projects you'll learn how to model, rig, and animate, building a comprehensive skill-set as you move progressively through each chapter.You'll learn to master Maya's capabilities on both a technical and artistic level as you create incredible animated characters full of emotion and expression.

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Modeling Digital Dinosaurs (Charles River Media Graphics (Software)) Review

Modeling Digital Dinosaurs (Charles River Media Graphics (Software))
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If modeling dinosaurs is your passion then I highly recommend this book. It is packed full of information on modeling and texturing. Authough the book is not software specific the Author does admitt that many of the models were created using Newtek's Lightwave software. No problem, I'm a dedicated LW fan. The CD doesn't have any models on it and it only has one animation that's lame (no secondary motions in its walk and its a pixalated low res). The textures on the CD are fine for use but they are not of a super high resoulution. That's ok because the book tells you how to make your own using Photoshop. This book also will not cover bone structures, IK setups or animation. That's really another subject so I'm not dissapointed. I bought the book for modeling and texturing and that just what I tought me. OH ya! It's easy to read but you need to know how your software works first because he is not going to tell you each step and every icon in a software. This is just technique that applies to many softwares on the market today. I'm very pleased and I would like to see Ken write more books. Good job Charles River Media.

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Dinosaurs have fascinated people for centuries. Children are in awe of their incredible sizes and shapes, artists are drawn to their earthy colors and complex textures, and movie producers are inspired by their box office appeal. With today's powerful software and hardware tools, artists can bring these awesome beasts to life with amazingly realistic results. Modeling Digital Dinosaurs explores how to model these fascinating creatures, while teaching modeling skills that can be easily applied to a wide variety of modeling projects. Using a step-by-step approach, every detail of the modeling process is covered from researching the animals to model construction, texturing, and final rendering. All of the techniques are written from a non-software specific approach, providing a useful guide, regardless of your software preference (LightWave, Maya, 3ds max, etc.). You'll learn how to model a Pteranodon, texture the rugged skin on Tyrannosaurus Rex, and render the imposing horns of a Triceratops. And once you've worked through the other dinosaurs and their unique features, you can try creating your own favorite. So let your modeling adventure begin.

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Introduction to Solid Modeling Review

Introduction to Solid Modeling
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I read the book " Introduction to solid modelling" & I liked it because it gives a first hand exposure to solid modelling to the engineering professionals who are on the brink of trying to understand solid modelling & its uses in their respective area of applications. It also helps the "C" savvy engineering application developers to understand the intricacies in developing a cad package using solid modelling techniques.

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Organization Modeling: Innovative Architectures for the 21st Century Review

Organization Modeling: Innovative Architectures for the 21st Century
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Information modeling, organization theory and design, knowledge management, strategic planning, and process design are all subjects of dozens of published books. Organization Modeling (OM) introduces an innovative framework to utilize these and other relative techniques. The authors have created a novel approach, architecture, and framework that any organization wishing to compete in the 21st century should not be without. Based in existing organization theory, the authors have extended well beyond the traditional theorists. Instead, OM provides a roadmap for business professionals. They have also clearly drawn the line dividing information technology and business modeling. If you are an information technology person expecting another technique for object oriented programming, this book is not for you. If, though, you are an information technology person who desires to move beyond the IT world, this book will provide the tools and framework to move in that direction. If you are an organizational theorist looking for another school of pure organizational theory, you will find much more than that here. Instead, you will find a synthesis of organization theory and other disciplines in a pragmatic yet holistic framework. A word of caution, this book is not some form of "pop-theory" that can be read in a day or two. I was familiar with many of the subjects in the book and still found the best method for reading was absorption and reflection. I found myself examining how each section of the book could be applied at my current business situation. The book uses an extended information modeling technique introduced by Kilov. Once again, I found myself creating Kilovish models of my current situation to provide greater insight into the material. The book starts by setting the foundation of OM. This foundation introduces key concepts such as the organization molecule, and emergent organizational patterns. Once the foundation is set, the authors introduce applications to key concepts such as information, data, knowledge, culture, and learning. One soon comes to realize the true power of an architecture/framework at this level of abstraction. This book is a must have for any person interested understanding and moving their organization into the 21st century, or students of management related studies.

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25755-0 The revolutionary guide to architecting your entire organization!*Modeling your entire organization for maximum effectiveness *Architecture-in-the-large and architecture-in-the-small *Harnessing tacit knowledge and learning *Practical guidelines for implementing your modelsNow, go beyond modeling your software and your processes: model your entire organization for maximum competitive advantage. Organization Modeling: Innovative Architectures for the 21st Century introduces the revolutionary discipline of object-oriented organization modeling, combining today's most sophisticated approaches to IT modeling with the latest advances in organization and management frameworks. Discover powerful new tools for modeling-and transforming-your organization's environment, goals, processes, information and knowledge resources, structure, technology, even culture.Coverage includes:*Why it's dangerous to think of today's IT models as "business models" *How to create and align small-scale "organization molecules" into effective enterprise-wide architectures *Envisioning organizational patterns *Integrating data, knowledge, and informationWhether you're an executive, IT planner, analyst, software professional, or student of management, if you want to improve your organization's effectiveness, you finally have a disciplined, systematic framework for doing so: Organization Modeling.

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Real-Resumes for Retailing, Modeling, Fashion and Beauty Industry Jobs: Including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Transfer Skills to Other Industries (Real-Resumes Series) Review

Real-Resumes for Retailing, Modeling, Fashion and Beauty Industry Jobs: Including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Transfer Skills to Other Industries (Real-Resumes Series)
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I got this book by my friend's recommendation. It's kind of old but good to keep as a reference resume book for someone who is looking for a job in the fashion industry.

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Jobs in retailing, modeling, and the fashion business can be difficult to obtain. This book can provide the competitive edge. Resumes shown contain jobs such as Assistant Sales Manager, Beauty Consultant, Model, Retail Buyer, Cosmetics Specialist, Merchandise Manager, Sales Associate, Jewelry Store Manager, Music Store Manager, Customer Service Manager, District Supervisor, Fashion Merchandising Student, Salon Manager, Territory Manager, and many others.

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Interest Rate Modeling: Theory and Practice (Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series) Review

Interest Rate Modeling: Theory and Practice (Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series)
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This is the book which I chose to keep for a comprehensive IR modeling textbook after reading many. Quite good since it introduces you all basic IR modeling issues almost step by step with a further learning direction for smiles.As the title says, the book also dips some industry practice.

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Containing many results that are new or exist only in recent research articles, Interest Rate Modeling: Theory and Practice portrays the theory of interest rate modeling as a three-dimensional object of finance, mathematics, and computation. It introduces all models with financial-economical justifications, develops options along the martingale approach, and handles option evaluations with precise numerical methods.The text begins with the mathematical foundations, including Ito's calculus and the martingale representation theorem. It then introduces bonds and bond yields, followed by the Heath-Jarrow-Morton (HJM) model, which is the framework for no-arbitrage pricing models. The next chapter focuses on when the HJM model implies a Markovian short-rate model and discusses the construction and calibration of short-rate lattice models. In the chapter on the LIBOR market model, the author presents the simplest yet most robust formula for swaption pricing in the literature. He goes on to address model calibration, an important aspect of model applications in the markets; industrial issues; and the class of affine term structure models for interest rates.Taking a top-down approach, Interest Rate Modeling provides readers with a clear picture of this important subject by not overwhelming them with too many specific models. The text captures the interdisciplinary nature of the field and shows readers what it takes to be a competent quant in today's market.This book can be adopted for instructional use. For this purpose, a solutions manual is available for qualifying instructors.

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Object-Oriented Modeling and Design for Database Applications Review

Object-Oriented Modeling and Design for Database Applications
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The book is composed of four parts: modeling concepts, analysis/design, implementation and large system issues.
The first part describes the main concepts on object oriented modeling. The topics on object relationships (association, aggregation, generalization) are excellent.
The second part, I consider that contains the best chapters. There are a lot of advices on how to develop database applications following object orientation and on how to choose a data management approach.
The third part, about implemmentation, has good and bad chapters. I don't like the chapters on relational databases. They include valuable information on how to map classes to relational databases but some space is wasted with basic concepts on relational databases and the main example is developed using Microsoft Access.
The last part is the smallest one and contains introductory topics on distributed databases, integration of applications and reverse engineering.
The class diagrams are in OMT notation.

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This new book refines, customizes, and extends the general Object Modeling Technique (OMT) methodology for the specific subject matter of database applications. By restricting the scope of coverage, the authors are able to present more focused examples and elaborate upon the appropriate methodological steps. The authors present a uniform treatment that addresses files, relational databases, and object-oriented databases.

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Modeling Financial Time Series with S-PLUS® Review

Modeling Financial Time Series with S-PLUS®
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This is an excellent book on financial econometrics, very practical yet rigorous. I wish all econometrics/statistics textbook could like this. Basic theory followed by practical examples - real life examples, not simplified ones like in other books. The authors gave detailed instructions on how to implement various econometric models, i.e. multi-factor models, GARCH, MGARCH, long memory models, state-space, etc. Most econometrics textbooks are at two extremes, they are either too theoretical (you still don't know how to put those models in real life), or too simple (lack of mathematical rigor and without advanced applications). This book is a combination of both worlds, computer codes/math models, and real life examples (some really good ones). A lot of cutting-edge techniques and advanced topics are also covered.

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This book represents an integration of theory, methods, and examples using the S-PLUS statistical modeling language and the S+FinMetrics module to facilitate the practice of financial econometrics. It is the first book to show the power of S-PLUS for the analysis of time series data. It is written for researchers and practitioners in the finance industry, academic researchers in economics and finance, and advanced MBA and graduate students in economics and finance.Readers are assumed to have a basic knowledge of S-PLUS and a solid grounding in basic statistics and time series concepts. This edition covers S+FinMetrics 2.0 and includes new chapters.

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Practical Unigraphics NX3 Modeling, Drafting and Assemblies Review

Practical Unigraphics NX3 Modeling, Drafting and Assemblies
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This book,now out of print, is clear in it's description and definition
on how to use the commands. Excellent source to clear up basic ideas
in this process.

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Written by engineers for engineers, Practical Unigraphics NX3 Modeling for Engineers teaches the necessary foundation to come quickly up to speed with Unigraphics NX3. The training manual includes practical exercises, self-tests, a CD-ROM with exercises, and timesaving tips all based on real world examples. It serves as a cost-effective, self-paced UG NX3 course and a solid building block for upcoming Unigraphics versions.

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Learning Maya 7: The Modeling and Animation Handbook Review

Learning Maya 7: The Modeling and Animation Handbook
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These books are a spectacular edition. Alias has been good about teaching in their books, but these books actually have FUN projects! I have enough books that will tell me how to do something (and these are VERY easy to understand) but the only ones that I can actually have fun working with are the ones contained in this new series. Not for the advanced user though. If you want advanced, go for the Maya Tecniques series, not the Learning Maya series. Great books!

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This exceptional, full-color Maya Press title -- produced by Alias, the software's creators -- offers a brand-new approach to teaching modeling and animation using the characters from the Academy Award-winning short film The ChubbChubbs. You'll find instructor-led tutorials, scene files, artist interviews, and Maya Personal Learning Edition on the enclosed DVD.

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