Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)If you like "Intro to Operations Research" by Hillier and Lieberman (0072416181), you will have two feelings about this book. The less-math-background people will find this is the best-fit for them for its less mathematical theories. Math-people will find this book is only introductory book. However, this book is not a substitution for 0072416181. This book is more application and focus on modeling and applying issues; while 0072416181 is more on solving. The spreadsheet application are now included in this book. Many traditional terms of OR are revised to make it more understandable, e.g., What-if (sensitivity analysis), Yes-No question (BIP). Several success stories and cases of OR/MS are given as well as the "how-to". I found this is a good book for business students or manager who has less time in solving than making money. Many sections are dedicated for popular problems, e.g., Inventory management, transportation, Forecasting, Project management. While this book is quite introductory book, the further study are given, e.g., IP, QAP, Goal Prog. After reading my review, please be silent for one minute to pay respect for Dr. Gerald J. Lieberman, co-author of this book and 0072416181. I'm indebted for your work...
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