Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)"The book gives a good review of the topic...The text is carefully constructed and well written, the exposition is clear. It leaves a reamrkable impression of the concepts, tools, and techniques in global optimization. It might also be used as a basis and guideline for lectures on this subject. students as well as professionals will profitably read and use it."
Click Here to see more reviews about: Convex Analysis and Global Optimization (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications (closed))
Due to the general complementary convex structure underlyingmost nonconvex optimization problems encountered in applications,convex analysis plays an essential role in the development of globaloptimization methods. This book develops a coherent and rigoroustheory of deterministic global optimization from this point of view.Part I constitutes an introduction to convex analysis, with anemphasis on concepts, properties and results particularly needed forglobal optimization, including those pertaining to the complementaryconvex structure. Part II presents the foundation and application ofglobal search principles such as partitioning and cutting, outer andinner approximation, and decomposition to general global optimizationproblems and to problems with a low-rank nonconvex structure as wellas quadratic problems. Much new material is offered, aside from arigorous mathematical development. Audience: The book is written as a text for graduate students inengineering, mathematics, operations research, computer science andother disciplines dealing with optimization theory. It is alsoaddressed to all scientists in various fields who are interested inmathematical optimization.
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