Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)A well-organized text with clear examples that demonstrate the practical value of applying multivariate modeling techniques to health services research. It's a great source to reorient to such techniques if, like me, you've been away for awhile.
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Evidence-Based Health Care Management introduces theprinciples and methods for drawing sound causal inferences in researchon health services management. The emphasis is on the application ofstructural equation modeling techniques and other analytical methodsto develop causal models in health care management. Topics includecausality, theoretical model building, and model verification.Multivariate modeling approaches and their applications in health caremanagement are illustrated.The primary goals of the book are to present advanced principles ofhealth services management research and to familiarize students withthe multivariate analytic methods and procedures now in use inscientific research on health care management. The hope is to helphealth care managers become better equipped to use causal modelingtechniques for problem solving and decision making.Evidence-based knowledge is derived from scientific replication andverification of facts. Used consistently and appropriately, it enablesa health care manager to improve organizational performance. Causalinference in health care management is a highly feasible approach toestablishing evidence-based knowledge that can help navigate anorganization to high performance. This book introduces the principlesand methods for drawing causal inferences in research on healthservices management.
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