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"Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics"
Here we have a modern Flight Dynamics treatise!
Dr. Zipfel presents his book as an account of Modeling and Simulation techniques; in fact, it is much more: it is, as we just said, a modern, exhaustive and deep Flight Dynamics treatise.
In the first six chapters, where Dr. Zipfel presents the theoretical foundations of Flight Dynamics, he introduces the reader to the very powerful, elegant and concise Tensorial formulation (which is uncommon except in very few, specialized reports), which is elevated to an axiomatic level ("from tensor modeling to matrix coding", in his words). This formulation, when applied to the Rational Mechanics and Modeling chapters(2 to 6), should allow the undergraduate (or recently graduated) student to see and enjoy the power and beauty underlying in these old physics branch. These chapters could configure an excellent text as part of a Mechanical or Aeronautical Engineering graduated level Rational Mechanics course (which we will intend to verify in the following course at National University of Córdoba, Argentina).
The second part of the book (which we should define as the "Aerospace" part), is devoted to Aerospace System simulation itself: beginning (in Chapter 7) with a blow of fresh air on our old, loved Perturbation Equations introducing the reader in the specificities of the Flight Dynamics (i.e. Aerodynamic forces and moments modeling), Dr. Zipfel leads with the most awkward part of Dynamics Analysis: The modeling of complete vehicles (regardless they are planes, missiles, launch vehicles or spacecrafts), in which the range of subsystems, and links between them, involved may feel sick to the beginner (and, sometimes, to experienced engineers). Again, beginning with basics (3-D.O.F. modeling), the reader is conveyed in a simultaneously strict an pleasant way to the deeps of full 6-D.O.F. simulations, including items such as Control, Guidance and Navigation Systems, Seekers, full non-linear aerodynamics and stochastic effects. The specialized engineer will find these Chapters as primary reference for any concrete modeling task.
The primary tool used by Dr. Zipfel in his task is CADAC software (Computer Aided Design of Aerospace Concepts), which we see as one of the bests Aerospace Simulation open codes available worldwide. Its modularity, documentation and completeness allow the reader to quickly understanding, as well as to perform modifications to suit it to specific needs. This software is highly valuable both for students and specialized engineers needed to develop simulation tools.
In brief, we found Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics a great book for both engineering students and specialized engineers; everybody will enjoy reading it, because its elegant and concise notation and its deep and rigorous mathematical treatment, as well as the powerful tools that Dr. Zipfel puts in the engineers' hands. This book should be on the desk of any simulation engineer as a primary reference in his day-to-day job.
Eduardo Zapico Professor, Aer. Eng., National University of Córdoba, Argentina, Scientific manager, Nostromo Consulting, Córdoba
Marcelo Martinez Manager Aerodynamics ,Nostromo onsulting ,Cordoba -Argentina
Click Here to see more reviews about: Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics, Second Edition (AIAA Education)
This book unifies all aspects of flight dynamics for the efficient development of aerospace vehicle simulations. Now in its second edition, its purpose is still to provide the reader with a complete set of tools to build, program, and execute simulations. Unlike other books, it uses tensors for modeling flight dynamics in a form invariant under coordinate transformations. For implementation, the tensors are converted into matrices, resulting in compact computer code. The reader can pick FORTRAN templates of missiles, aircraft, or hypersonic vehicles from the complimentary "CADAC" CD-ROM to jump-start a particular application, and plot the results of CADAC Studio. It is the only textbook that combines the theory of modeling with hands-on examples of three-, five-, and six-DoF simulations. This new and enlarged edition also serves as anchor for a self-tutoring, three-part course of aerospace simulations in C++, available from AIAA. Amply illustrated with 318 figures and 44 examples, the text can be used for advanced undergraduate and graduate instruction or for self-study. Seventy eight problems and nine projects amplify the topics and develop the material further.Qualified instructors can obtain a complimentary solution manual from AIAA. This second edition contains two new appendices. The original Appendix C, which reviewed state-of-the-art FORTRAN simulations, has been replaced by the description of three self-study CD-ROMs of aerospace simulations in C++. These CDs broaden the applications of this book by spanning from simple three degrees of freedom cruise missiles to high fidelity missiles, aircraft, and hypersonic vehicles. The new Appendix D lays the theoretical foundation of tensor flight dynamics. It contains the proofs of the rotational time derivative and the Euler transformation.
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