Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Kline's book provides a very readable introduction to and explanation of structural equation modeling. The book does not include statistical proofs, so it would not serve well as an advanced text. But if you are looking for a book that explains what SEM is and how it fits within the larger framework of inferential statistics, I recommend it.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Second Edition (Methodology In The Social Sciences)
This popular text provides an accessible guide to the application, interpretation, and pitfalls of structural equation modeling (SEM). Reviewed are fundamental statistical concepts--such as correlation, regressions, data preparation and screening, path analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis--as well as more advanced methods, including the evaluation of nonlinear effects, measurement models and structural regression models, latent growth models, and multilevel SEM. The companion Web page offers data and program syntax files for many of the research examples, electronic overheads that can be downloaded and printed by instructors or students, and links to SEM-related resources.
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